Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Upcoming Blog

I'm working a new blog - a lifestyle blog - a collaborative effort involving several people. I'm excited about it; I'm going to write my own blogging engine for it.

There are plenty of ready to install options out there which will be better than mine, but that's not the point. I want to get practice working from documentation, learning a new language, and design. I'm not planning on going over the top; I'll use markdown, reCAPTCHA, and other plug-ins, but I need a framework.

Framework ideas:

The built in admin system for a multi-user system is almost too tempting to turn down. I also like the idea "Don't repeat yourself" and putting the data first. There are records and objects; how their retrieved or displayed, we'll figurre that out later. Python is a robust language with a lot of support. Django itself is at 1.0, not 1.1 or 1.26. Looking back at 1.0 products from 1.1, 1.26, or 2.1 shows some large imporvements.

Ruby On Rails
Used like before. Liked it. Makes sense to me. But is it still hip? Good support/documention. Seriously there's a tutorial on everything.

Perl, yeah well, it's worth giving Perl another change in my life.

Anything in Lisp? Google Web Toolkit? Any other suggestions? Thoughts?

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