Monday, December 29, 2008

Goal Setting to meet a Goal

On Friday, I had a driveway moment with NPR.

On my way back from picking some nerd equipment at Best Buy, I listened to Talk of the Nation: How to Make New Year's Resolutions.

The "self-help, write down goals, do better" camp never really worked for me. The slips of papers containing my life dreams would fall to the wayside or disappear amongst the perpetual clutter on my desk. So I listened; how do people keep their goals?

I swung a left turn between the snowbanks towering over the curb into my driveway. It wasn't quite over, but it was so cold. After nearly staying in the car out in the frigid air, I scurried into the house to finish listening to it in the kitchen with my mom.

In the end, realistic and measurable resolutions were often kept. It gave me an idea. A website that helps you with setting and meeting goals. 43 Things helps you create a list of goals, but often they're unmeasurable. For example, under the category "Money and Wealth" a goal is "Save money" not "Save $500 a month for 6 months." Or they're unrealistic, "find a job I love" rather than "apply to 10 positions at something I'm passionate about."

So, I purpose goal setting website where there is a time frame, a metric, optional reminders, and a final success/unsuccessful statement. Users could share goals, search for similar goals/advice, cheer each other on, but the rules would remain, realistic and measurable.

Feels a little bit like self-help, but hey I've got 10 miles to run in April; so, I better set some goals now.

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