Saturday, April 05, 2008

The Scene

I earned double hipster points this week. Once on thursday by showing up at work with a Black Cat stamp on my hand from the Jens Lekman show, and once on Friday by the Black Cat stamp on my hand from the Les Savy Fav show.

Hipster points this month: 2. Good start to April. I'm not positive how the scale works, but I might get a bonus point because both shows were sold out. Tickets to a sold out show are always a great fact for a formulated conversation at work.

"What's that on your hand?"

"Oh, yeah I tried to wash that off. It's from the Black Cat show last night."

"I heard that was sold out! How'd you get tickets?"

The Jens show was fun. The band was dressed in black rather than white, and the airplane dance moves warmed my heart again. Most everyone in the crowd seemed to be in love with Jens; don't blame them.

On Friday, Tim Harrington, the Les Savy Fav singer, spent time in between songs parodying the show 24 and it continued after the encore from backstage. Through all his antics on stage he manage to hold on to the microphone even when he changed light-bulbs while walking on top of the bar - professional. He owns his own textile company.

Long walk today. Got an empanada, and then found the new Target.

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