Monday, June 04, 2007

Finals Week

3 hours until my first final. It's going to be long.

Three articles that hit the spot today: Advice to Graduates, More Advice to Graduates, Google all thanks to the NY Times. The first two are self explanatory - money advice for people who will be living on their own. The third provides a interesting glimpse into how Google remains the search king.

Some people feel that reading the NY Times is pretentious - it's not - and it bothers me when people insult me over it. Bottom line: it's the best paper available. The quality, depth, range, and exposition of their articles is superior to every US paper I've read (no offense Tariq; the Wall Street Journal is a quality publication). In addition their website has a clean look similar to the front page of the printed version allowing the user to easily peruse the site as if was a paper. Publishing continues to move online, and in 20 years the physical paper my disappear completely. More papers need to invest heavily on the look and feel of their website. An ugly site can be an immediate turn-off and reduce credibility. I'm constantly confronted with clumsy, ugly websites, and I'm not convinced that newspapers put enough emphasis on their online presentation. Maybe they can get their act together soon; newspapers should be experts on look and feel - they do layout everyday. Anyways, thank you NY Times you keep me entertained during every class. Favorite columns: Frugal Traveler or Your Money, favorite section: Science.

I'm constantly hungry, and our kitchen is constantly filthy - that's not a good combination. I can't wait to have my own place. For how much I love clean clothes; I hate paying for laundry.

Looking forward to: seeing a movie, going home, having my own place, graduation, taking my last final, and July 30th.

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