Friday, June 22, 2007

When Worlds Collide

The cleaning people came today; we went to breakfast. They changed my bedsheets. My bed is currently sporting light gray sheets with floral pillow cases, one of the cases has a lace trim: hot.

Today was the first time of summer that I have woken up before 8:oo am. I've also realized that in my attempt to do nothing, I end up hearing the same sport stories at least for times a day: morning Sportscenter, Around the Horn, PTI, and evening Sportscenter. I should get a hobby. When I'm bored I eat something, then when that doesn't satisfy me I take a nap. This can't be healthy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey I just read this blog. I though you should know. Don't be scared, I haven't been collecting pieces of your hair to make a hair doll out of. I only do that to people that I like. Zing!