Thursday, May 08, 2008

Bike DC

Bicycling magazine recently rated Washington DC the most improved bicycle city. With the new bicycle sharing program SmartBike, a single speed self-service bike rental, and increased bike lanes, the District is taking the steps in the right direction; however, at this point, I'm an experienced road cyclists, and I don't feel confident on the DC streets. The current bike lanes end abruptly and fail to connect with one another, cars park in the lanes or don't look while taking right turns, other cyclists disobey traffic signals creating a distrust between cyclists amongst motorists, and the multi-use paths aren't wide enough to accommodate joggers and cyclists. All in all it's nice to see the city gain support for cycling and get recognized for their first of many efforts. One day I hope to experience an extensive system of paths with physical barriers between the road; for now, to celebrate the first step I will observe Bike to Work Day on Friday May 16th, and the MS Ride that weekend. Thanks for all your support on the ride.

I was on the phone with the client the other day. After a quick thought started, there as a small pause, and he asked "Charles, I hope you don't mind, but how old are you?"

Blindly I replied "22."

He let out a short string of laughs, and said "Wow. You'll go far." 

Startling, but it was a nice compliment.

Last week I gave a presentation on web usability to my project team entitled "A Presentation: Don't Make Me Think" (The title comes from Advanced Common Sense). I put it together a little last minute - changed thoughts in mid-sentence or twirled my arms a bit like a dinosaur at times - but went well in the end. I'm going to work on sharpening it, perfecting the art, and giving it as a Brown Bag lunch.

Veronica and Claire are coming this weekend and planning on going to the Newseum.  Troy has already been.

April 21 - 27 2008 was the official Turn Off Your TV week; unfortunately I missed it. I will observe it this week starting yesterday.

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