Thursday, May 15, 2008

Google and Search

About three weeks ago, I installed Google Analytics this blog. I installed it just to test out it's features - map overlay, length on site, or referring sources - but the tool has been so impressive that I've found uses for it. The biggest trend that I've noticed is just the obvious - the more I update the blog the more hits I get. I'm surprised by the hits I get; not many (a few a day), but on average that is more than the one or two people I expected.

I was conscious that people read this site and its a public site, but Google Analytics helped me realized it. Now I've added every analysis tool I can find for fun and in an attempt to improve my posts - feedburner comes highly recommended - and here's what I've found:

-On Saturday, I mentioned the Newseum and then I received three hits from the Newseum related Freedom Forum. So someone there must be watching the blogs for mentions of Newseum. In case they're wondering, the Newseum was incredibly well put together; I felt like I was in a news room saturated with media, and it was great to be reminded how the media influences and encompasses all aspects of our lives. They had an exhibit on emerging media that included some blog short films. The building stands boldly along Pennsylvania Ave amongst the Smithsonian Museums, and it's a welcome addition. I recommend it.

-Most of my friends have an internet connection from Comcast or Lawrence and own Macs and Jacob still uses Opera.

-Readers are repeat visitors, so I'm going to try to update more often. Thanks for reading.

I've added a new section, Subscribe!, with links to make it easier to add my blog to an RSS Reader.

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