Friday, April 13, 2007

I Want to be a Widget King.

Every internet/computer/technology/new/any company seems to be battling it out to be Widget king. Widgets integrated into Vista! New improved Yahoo! widgets. Google Desktop - every imaginable widget included. Mac OS X, hey didn't we try this first, ours are still good. I can't tell the difference between any of them anymore. They just clutter my desktop and mind. There's only so much news I can exposed to rapidly; there's only so many ways I'm willing to check my email; there's only so many ways I'm willing to use my computer to chat with others; there's only so many ways I wanted to be informed about the weather. Enough is enough.
Dear Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, and Apple
Widgets are nice, but they don't mean the world to me. Not even close. Productivity tools are great, but there are only so many you can have until you need productivity software to manage your productivity software. So please stop pushing widgets in my face like they will change my life. They save me 3 minutes a day if I'm lucky; 3 minutes I would have spent staring aimlessly.

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