Monday, May 21, 2007

Class Once Again

Once again, I find myself in class unable to concentrate after 10 minutes of lecture. Thoughts on the weekend:

The official ceremony was at the Fleet center with a Jumbo-tron, Dunkin' Donuts, and popcorn. People seemed to revert into game mode at an arena. I'm glad I went to Boston this weekend: saw my family, got away from things, played gameboy, finally got a good start on Omnivore's Dilemma, celebrated, and saw Bill Russel talk. As fun as a vacation can be it's always nice to come home. Every mundane thing feels comfortable: your own towel, room, lunch table, midday class, food, and familiar faces. I've been up since 4:30 am EST, and I have class for another 3 hours...I'm going to have pound some more coffee, keep my head down, and power through.

June 10th:
I have to keep in mind that commencement means "a beginning." June 10th is a beginning; I should not be afraid. It's another phase. Every senior seems to be feeling and having similar thoughts. It's about time I start living everyday like the weekend. 20 days - power through.

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