Tuesday, May 22, 2007

From the plane

Midwest Airlines is my hero. I'm sitting coach, but the armrest is wide enough for two arms - just like first class. I fit in the seat - no cramped legs. They give you pretzels - and you know how I feel about snack packs. They serve Alterra Coffee. Washington D.C. here I come. Apparently, they also have a signature cookie service. After the drink cart came along a cart only serving cookies - warm, fresh baked cookies (I swear they have an oven on this plane). Anyways, they don't ask you if you'd like a cookies, rather they simply say "Would you like extra cookies?" Then when you refuse, they look quite puzzled and hand you two cookies (If you say yes you receive 4 to 5 cookies). The older woman next to me who is wearing a black jumpsuit got extra cookies, pocketed two of them, and then seemed upset that I took the "normal amount." I should have taken extra and given them to her to pocket.

I've spent a lot of time alone traveling the past few days - it's been alright there's always a Starbucks around. Maybe this will be what next year is like - writing UseCases and drawing domain diagrams as I fly back to DC in a suit.

I've really enjoyed having this blog. I hate saying this, but it feels nice to write regularly. I don't want it to be a journal - journals are written as private, but dying to be read - that's a disaster.

Writing was always a passion of mine, but after taking fiction writing I couldn't bring myself to do it. Something in me was lost, or at least hidden. I think it was good for me to take some time off; I needed to mature and move away from everything that was happening. I tried again in Budapest, but there was too much going on in my head. It was a giant clutter of thoughts and emotions. My sentences droned on, and my focus was placed on spitting the information out into an email rather than a coherent narrative. I need to read more. My writing is devoid of humor; I used to be a humorist (not my direct words). I don't know what it was that I did before, but it worked. I don't think this is a coincidence that I start this again. My whole family seems to be writing. Every time I see someone reading Bring Down the House I thing "oh it is possible." I'm interesting, I own a thesaurus, okay so my laptop has a thesaurus, well anyways I could maybe write something funny.

June 10th, Commencement, a beginning.

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