Sunday, May 13, 2007

Weekend Recap

Weekend recap: Sumo wrestling, M&M's, snack packs, grilling, baby carrots, tunnels, “September,” shacks, Mario the master carpenter, and a favorite tree.

Bernard Bolzano is one of my favorite Mathematicians. I feel like a nerd admitting that I have a list of favorite mathematicians, but I do; Bolzano is on the list – maybe number one. Or number 2 behind Archimedes, it's to be determined – stayed tuned. Anyways, Bolzano strove for rigor, an understanding of the infinite, a foundation of the real numbers worth standing on, and an analytic way to think of limits at a time when Calculus was still thought of in terms of infinitesimals. He never published the majority of his work in his lifetime; rather, it was all for intellectual curiosity and a desire to understand. The first substantial collection of his works was published in 1962, 114 years after he died. “Weirerstrass and Bolzano march arm-in-arm together through the history of mathematics, but not nearly enough seems to be know about Bolzano,” George Simmons Calculus Gems

The more often I clean my room, the more often I'm reminded that my life is falling apart at the seams – always. But I figure I'm a pretty good seamstress, so it's okay. The midterms I neglected turned out fine. One day this will all catch up to me, until then I'll never learn.

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